Title: Remembrance Rating: G Length: 1,029 Pairing(s): Nine/Rose, Ten/Rose, Ten II/Rose Summary: Three times the universe - and Rose Tyler - loses the Doctor. [See the end of the fic for notes.]
Title: There Are Things Rating: G Length: 235 Pairing(s): Ten/Rose, Eleven/Rose Summary: There are things I've lost that I will never get back. [See the end of the fic for notes.]
Title: The Moment Without Rating: G Length: 3,164 Pairing(s): Nine/Rose, Ten/Rose, Ten II/Rose Summary: Rose reconciles the Doctor who was with the Doctor who is. [See the end of the fic for notes.]
Title: There Will Come Soft Rains Rating: G Length: 2,199 Pairing(s): Nine/Rose Summary: The Doctor and Rose find a silent planet. [See the end of the fic for notes.]
Title: Every Line is a Place on a Map Rating: G Length: 1,344 Pairing(s): Nine/Rose, Ten/Rose, Ten II/Rose, Twelve/Rose, Thirteen/Rose Summary: A map from London to Dårlig Ulv Stranden to the edge of time. [See the end of the fic for notes.]
Title: Where Weary Eyes No More Will Weep Rating: G Length: 1,151 Pairing(s): Ten/Rose, Ten II/Rose Summary: He does not know what awaits the last of the Time Lords. [See the end of the fic for notes.]